Central High School Bobcats celebrated the eras during their homecoming festivities all week long leading up to the game against Abilene Cooper tonight, Friday, September 7, 2023, at San Angelo Stadium. Students and staff participated in a spirit week through the decades dress up days starting with Tuesday’s ode to musical genres and eras hallways decorations, and ending with a parade and community pep rally Thursday night.
Thursday evening kicked off with a parade that showcased our SAISD Central High School students and staff as well as our elementary and middle schools in the CHS feeder pattern all donning their best pop or rock and roll gear. The parade ended at San Angelo Stadium culminating in the annual community pep rally. The pep rally featured performances by the Mighty Bobcat band, cheer, and Tex-Anns, as well as the announcement of the 2023 Homecoming Court and crowning of the homecoming King. The court included Dukes Cullen Honea, Kenneth “Andy” Kuniyuki, Carter Lyles, Aiden Morales, Jon Olson and Braylen Roundtree, and Duchesses Elizabeth “Liz” Clark, Nevaeh Hearne, Riley Heckaman, Kezlyn “Kez” Mull, Bell Royer, and Alyssa Villarreal. The crowning of homecoming Queen will be announced at halftime at the game tonight.
Homecoming is a tradition welcoming back former Bobcats for their reunions, and all alumni are invited to attend the game starting at 7pm at San Angelo Stadium to cheer on our players and student groups, or can watch live with our official streaming partner Concho Sports Network at www.conchosports.com or tune in to KIXY 94.7 FM.
SAISD celebrates our Central Bobcats, and wish them a fun culmination to the Homecoming week with tonight’s game. Sic ‘em Cats!
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